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Scenario planning: Providing insight for impact Logo cgma

  Free |   2016 |

Learn how to build a scenario plan with this toolkit. 

Scenario planning is a management tool that is designed to allow organizations to evaluate the efficacy of strategies, tactics, and plans under a range of possible future environments. Scenario planning can also be a valuable addition to an organization’s risk management toolkit by addressing the potential impact of alternative scenarios on an organization’s risk profile. 

Topics covered:
  • Management accounting: Technical: Business planning: Planning, forecasting & budgeting, Advanced
  • Management accounting: Technical: Management reporting & analysis: Performance management, Advanced
  • Management accounting: Technical: Risk management & internal control: Risk response & reporting, Advanced

3 Comments/Reflections

Glen O'Nion

Glen O'Nion Jul 2018

I remember doing scenario planning as part of my studies but its amazing how quickly you forget the principles and don’t apply them to your every day job. On reflection, its not something I needed in more junior roles but will be really beneficial in my role as FD. Currently we have an annual budget in July and we do a 3 year plan every other month. Our budget has always been based around what’s currently selling well now and where do we need to take price action to maintain sales rates. I’ve never really done a high level “what if” scenario based on a PEST analysis. This would have proved very beneficial around the BREXIT time and the US presidential elections, where we noticed substantial slowdown in business due to people waiting for outcomes before committing to purchasing a house. The next 3YP is in September, between now and then I will challenge the board to come up with their own PEST analysis and as a team we can put together a scenario impacts table to see what could happen in our business.
Ravinder Kaur

Ravinder Kaur May 2016

Colin Bancroft

Colin Bancroft May 2016