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What Software is Appropriate to My Organization? Logo cgma

  Bob Green, CPA.CITP, CGMA |   Free |   AICPA |   Jan 2015 |   12 min |

Bob Green, CPA.CITP, CGMA, discusses important considerations when selecting software for your organization including differentiators for certain types of organizations, risks, and manipulating the applications.

Topics covered:
  • Management accounting: Technical: Accounting information systems: Accounting applications, Expert

8 Comments/Reflections

Toh Goh

Toh Goh Nov 2023

your company's needs via your own checklist and what the software can help and to what extent are the main points. What can be customised and what cannot are big considerations. End results should be what reports and the quality and depth of the reports produced.
Robert Smith

Robert Smith Mar 2020

This is a good, high level video on the thought process that all businesses should employ when evaluating new accounting systems.

What competency did I develop?
Refreshed my thought process on software vendor selection?

What can I do now that I couldn't do before?
Flagged up the need to ensure data ownership from SaaS providers, especially if he provider becomes insolvent.

Did I meet my objectives?

What will be the wider impact on my team, organisation and career?
If I look at changing accounting software provider in the future, this video has flagged up a few very good points to consider. This should mean a better selection process and therefore more successful implementation.
Joseph Keohane

Joseph Keohane Jan 2020

This is a very good and concise reminder of the key strategic considerations when choosing a new software system. 
Lukasz Panek

Lukasz Panek Jun 2019

* Basic functionality AR, AP, GL
* Organisation specific
* Regulatory compliance eg: batch processing
* Complex revenue recognition eg: deferred revenue
* Non-profits
* Multi entity and consolidation eg: multi currency
* Cutting endge is not always the best (technology for technology sake, risk of being early adopter of rushed software)
* Challenges of cloud computing - how long has a provider been around, how to retrieve your data,
* SOCA provide a level of assurance

Scared old guy talking about fear of new technology. He does not truly understand the power of the cloud and artificial intelligence that is available with modern accounting software. I have fully automated AR and AP functions within my company eliminating 2 jobs and saving the company over £60,000 per year. Currently I am in the process of eliminating an Management Accountant role with a salary of £50,000 per year. So that is 3 jobs made redundant through the use of technology and AI and still leaves me 2 days per week free as Finance Manager to focus on business strategy and growth.
Guy Gough

Guy Gough Sep 2018

An interesting video on , among other things, the risks associated with using "cloud applications", this served to confirm my worst suspicions!. The phrases "configuration", "customisation" and "modification" are useful as they provide succinct terms for activities associated with using accounting software, and although I am familiar with the activities described, I occasionally need to be able to explain this to others in a clear and concise manner.